The name "Code Poets" reflects our deep appreciation for the artistry of programming.
Software development is not just about writing lines of code but also about crafting elegant and creative solutions to complex problems.
Our developers are like poets, using their skills and creativity to turn abstract ideas into functional, beautiful, and impactful digital products.
Code Poets come from diverse backgrounds and bring various skills and expertise to every project. With a focus on continuous learning and development, Code Poets stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry.
Explore the intersection of Code Poets' creative work and the projects they're involved with.
We call our developers Poets for a reason – they are:
Senior Software Developer, Cheminformatics
Clients: Entos, L7 Informatics, deepmatter
Projects: AI-driven technology for medicine
Tech stack: Python, Bash, JS, HTML, Django, Django Rest API, Flask, FaskApi, Pydantic, RDKit, Scikit Learn, Matplotlib, Pandas, Numpy, SciPy, PostgreSQL, Jira, Git, Docker, Bitbucket, GOLD (CCDC), AutoDock, MOE, Modeller, PyMol, ChemDraw, Open Babel, ChEMBL Database, RCSB PDB, Cambridge Structural Database
Academic background: PhD chemistry (computational chemistry) specialization in CADD
Languages: English C1, Spanish A1/A2
Senior Software Developer, Blockchain Expert
Clients: Merck, Ethereum Foundation
Projects: Synthia, Solidity
Tech stack: C++, Python, C, Bash, Solidity, Yul, Vyper, Assembler x86/x64, WebAssembly, JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, SQL, HTML, CSS, Django, Flask, Numpy, Pandas, asyncio, Boost, Qt, OpenZeppelin, Rails, Git, nginx, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Google Cloud Platform, S3, Cloudfront, CircleCI, Github Actions, Let's Encrypt, PostgreSQL, MySQL, IPFS, Foundry, Hardhat, Truffle, Brownie, dapptools, REST, GraphQL, node.js
Academic background: Computer Science
Languages: English C2/C1, Italian B2/B1, Swedish A2/A1, Japanese N3
Mid Software Developer, Bioinformatics
Clients: L7 Informatics
Projects: L7 Enterprise Science Platform
Tech stack: Python, JavaScript, HTML, R, SQLAlchemy, Vue, AG Grid, SCSS, Django, Pandas, Git, PostgreSQL, Jira, Bitbucket, Gitlab
Academic background: MSc Bioinformatics
Languages: English C1
Mid Software Developer, Cheminformatics
Clients: L7 Informatics
Projects: L7 Enterprise Science Platform
Tech stack: Python, JavaScript, HRML, CSS, Vue, AgGrid, Django, Wagtail, Mathematica, Syncfusion EJS, Git, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Jira, ChEMBL Database, RCSB PDB, Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
Academic background: PhD Chemistry, MSc Physics
Languages: English C2
Mid Software Developer
Clients: Centi Ltd, Golem Network
Projects: Centi
Tech stack: JavaScript, Java, Python, C#, C++, Solidity, Django, Django Rest API, Vue JS, React Native, Git, PostgreSQL, Jira, Jest, Pytest, Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow
Academic background: MSc Computer Science
Languages: English C1
Mid Software Developer, Tech Lead, Scrum Master
Clients: L7 Informatics
Projects: L7 Enterprise Science Platform
Tech stack: Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, C++, HTML, SQL, Pytest, Pandas, Numpy, Vue, matplotlib, bokeh, Django, Flask, Docker, Jenkins, Jira, Linux, Asana, Git, Pycharm, Rest API, postgreSQL
Academic background: PhD Life Sciences, Engineer's Degree Computer Science
Languages: English C1
Mid Software Developer
Clients: L7 Informatics, Merck
Projects: L7 Enterprise Science Platform, Synthia
Tech stack: JavaScript, PHP, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, TypeScript, Angular, Vue.js, Django, SQLAlchemy, MySQL, PostgreSQL, WordPress
Academic background: MSc Economy
Languages: English C1, Ukrainian C2